Names listed below are not necessarily endorsements, please conduct your own due diligence before engaging any third party services.

Free Services for Startups Building on Algorand

Partner Service Link How to Apply What You Get
AWS Credits Key in code 1cf01 and the Foundation team will do a quick verification of your project before enabling the free credits 5000 credits for AWS cloud services
Google Cloud Credits Up to $200K in cloud credits over 2 years

For a list of service providers that are offering exclusive discounts for Algorand projects spanning across various fields, please visit the Algorand Ecosystem Service Provider page.

Ecosystem Service Providers

The following is a collection of service providers that have served Algorand projects in the past for your reference.

Company Offered Services How to Contact Remarks
Algo Foundry Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Hypotenuse Labs Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Applied Blockchain Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
DEPT Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Ulam Labs Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Rand Labs Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Eterno Labs Dev Shop / Venture Builder
Sotatek Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Blockchain Italia Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Wisdom Gaming Dev Shop / Venture Builder [email protected]
Kudelski Code Auditor [email protected]
OtterSec ( Code Auditor [email protected]
Vantage Point Code Auditor [email protected]
Certik Code Auditor [email protected]
Coinspect Code Auditor [email protected]
RunTime Verification Code Auditor [email protected]
Entersoft Code Auditor [email protected]
Trail of Bits Code Auditor [email protected]
BlockOffice Legal Untested
Bull Blockchain Law Legal Untested
Richt Firm Legal [email protected] Untested, claim to specialize in Blockchain and NFT Law services
Chain Reaction Investment, mentorship, networking opportunities
SuperWeb3 Investment, networking opportunities

Ecosystem Mentors

The following is a list of seasoned industry professionals and alumni from established applications on Algorand that would love to give back to the community by offering to mentor the next generation of builders.

Name Title Company Specialization
Benedetto Biondi CEO Folks Finance DeFi, Fundraising, Leadership
Jonathan Kay CEO Algo Foundry Engineering, Revenue Model, Marketing
Michael Knott CTO Algo Foundry Tech, Engineering
Ross Murray-Jones CEO Zest, Rand Gallery Business Strategy, DAO Ops, NFT
Agash Navaranjan CTO Zest, Rand Gallery Tech
Viola Hui Head of Marketing AXL Ventures Marketing
John Mizzoni Co-founder TxnLab, NFDomains NFT, Web3, Business Modeling
Ben Wyeth Founder Al Goanna NFT NFT, Community Building, Marketing
Ted Nivan CEO EXA Market NFT, Web3 Entrepreneurship, Engineering, Software, Electronics, Fundraising, Wellbeing

If you would like to connect with any of the above names, please write in here and we will forward your request accordingly to the mentor. As this is a voluntary effort and takes up time, acceptance is subject to the mentor’s discretion and availability.

For an idea of what mentoring entails,

Description Commitment*
Private Mentoring (Individual) • 1:1 casual mentoring
• Free / value-in-kind*
• Open duration* • Check-in minimally once every quarter
• Potentially one-off consult based on mentor’s limited availability and mentee’s needs
**Private Mentoring (Project Buddy)
Future Implementation!** • Casual mentoring (1 POC assigned to liaise scheduling)
• Free / value-in-kind*
• Open duration* • Check-in minimally once every quarter
• Calls are based on Mentee Project needs and whoever on the Mentor Project team most suitable is assigned to take it accordingly

*Subject to mentor & mentee agreement